Who we are?

Are you curious about something?
Do you have some kind of problem we can help you with?

Please feel free to contact us, our helpline service on 0131 258 1573 is working for you 24/7.

We are Jannet Hopewell Ministries-Scotland. We are are also popularly known as JHM.
We are a Christian [Non-Denominational], voluntary, charitable organisation helping abused women and children.
we preach, teach and minister the undiluted WORD of God & apply its principles to help women & children in need.
We raise awareness and provide information on the impact of domestic abuse and violence against women and their children.
We campaign against sex abuse, sex trafficking and forced prostitution.
We stand symbolically with the victims and survivors of domestic abuse and violence.
We take keen interest in their recovery and healing process that enables them to start life afresh, free from fear or intimidation.
We take a strong stand on PREVENTING domestic violence & sex abuse.
We work to provide safe havens for women and their children fleeing or suffering the effects of domestic violence!
We aim to break the cycle of domestic abuse in the next generation by giving women the opportunity to remove themselves and their children from destructive and unsafe environments.
We stand with women and work to raise their level of dignity and honour by affirming their value, identity & purporse (VIP) in life.
We Provide empowerment, educational support, training, microfinance support, to disadvantaged women.
We provide shelter, housing support & other aids to disadvantaged women & their children.
We provide wellness, health, hospitality care packages to disadvantaged women, girls, children & vulnerable elderly people.
We provide nutritional supplements & feeding care packages & aid support to vulnerable women, children and vulnerable older people.
We provide seasonal gift boxes (packages) to the children of disadvantages parents at Easter & Christmas to lift up their spirits.
We provide support & educational access to disabled girls & orphans in the third world.
We work in Scotland and in other nations.

  • We will not disclose information about victims to anyone except where there is significant risk to the life/lives of victims.
  • Every information you give us is held in the highest regard and will not be divulged to anyone.
  • We will never disclose your location to any random person seeking your whereabout or seeking to harm you.
  • We are committed to your security, safety and general welfare as victim of domestic violence, sex trade or prostitution.

We provide practical, sensible and counselling support to victims. We do our best to direct them in the right direction for getting more help including getting help from the Police, escaping violence, social services support, prayer support and temporary shelter support. Our website provides a wealth of information which assist victims in gaining more understanding about the evil of domestic abuse, sexual abuse & exploitation, teenage domestic abuse & violence and we provide additional campaign resources such as leaflets, posters and general public awareness resources. It is very essential that:

  • You should call the police if you are a victim of domestic violence or abuse.
  • On average 2 women per week die at the hands of their partner in domestic abuse situations.
  • Between 2009 and 2015, 936 women were killed by men. Of these, 598 (64%) were killed by their current or former partners and 75 (8%) by their sons.
  • Domestic violence or abuse is not love. It is a crime! Flee from it as soon as possible!

We also support women in destitution, orphans, abandoned children, widows and orphans. We have our orphanages in India & Kenya.

You can send donations directly to our bank account below:
Jannet Hopewell Ministries Scotland Limited
Sort Code: 08-71-99
Account No: 22029290

To donate using PayPal please click the link below:

We invite you to get in touch and join hands with us for the mission work set before us. Thank you & may the LORD bless up always!